ARTICLE WRITTEN BY C. MITRA   Msc Food and Nutrition , B, Sc Food and Nutrition

Protein rich plant foods

We all know that protein is an important nutrient that plays vital role in promoting the growth and development of our body. We require protein for various purposes, like it helps in muscle development, it helps in the synthesis of enzymes, hormones, it is related with boosting up the immune system of our body, it also helps in cellular growth, tissue re-synthesis, moreover it is one of the most vital nutrients that should be consumed in order to maintain a good health status

It has seen that vegetarian diet or vegan diet is lacking from high biological value protein as the diet is based on plant foods only (protein obtained from animal sources are considered as high biological value protein). It is thus better to formulate the vegetarian or vegan diet with those plant based foods, which are great in proteins so that it can improve the protein status

This article will discuss about 25 best protein rich plant foods which are extremely beneficial for vegetarians a well as for vegans –


  • Lentils are considered as great source of plant proteins  
  • It is also composed of adequate amount of fiber, iron, folate, manganese, antioxidants and several important biologically active plant compounds
  • Consumption of lentils not only help in contributing proteins to the body but also help to reduce the prevalence of obesity, diabetes, cardiac diseases and some types of cancer

Tofu, edamame and tempeh

  • These three components are obtained from soya been which is considered as a great source of plant protein
  • Consumption of these food substances are closely related with contributing several essential amino acids to the body


  • It is a very popular source of protein for vegetarians
  • It is composed of gluten (main protein in wheat)
  • It also contains calcium, phosphorus, iron and selenium 

Green peas

  • It is considered as another important source of protein that can be included in the diet in order to improve the protein status of the body
  • It also contains other imperative nutrients that help to boost up the overall health status

Green peas


  • Teff is considered as one of the most important ancient grains that contains relatively higher amount of protein than other ancient grains
  • It also contains various other nutrients and can be well utilized as an important alternative to other grains like rice or wheat


  • Spelt is a type of wheat and it contains gluten as well, which is considered as one of the main sources of protein 
  • It is also packed with various other nutrients apart from protein and offers numerous health benefits
  • Though individual suffer from celiac disease should avoid its consumption 

Sprouted grain

Consumption of sprouted grains are considered as a healthy option in order to increase protein intake as germination helps in enhancing the protein content of the food in many folds 

Chia seed

  • It is an important seed native to Mexico
  • It is composed of various important amino acids thus its consumption is thought to be very effective for providing adequate proteins to the body

Nutritional yeast

  • It is very popular, commercially available food item that contains adequate amount of proteins
  • It is basically a deactivated strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast
  • Whereas it is better to consume fortified nutritional yeast in order to obtain more nutrients


  • It is a gluten free grain composed of various important amino acids
  • It should be included in the diet in order to meet the requirement of protein in body in some extent  

Hemph seed

  • It is also considered as an important source of protein thus it should be included in the diet in order to improve the protein status of the body
  • It also contains various other nutrients like iron, zinc, selenium, calcium and omega 3 fatty acid that play vital role in improving the overall health status


  • It is considered as another great source of plant protein
  • It also contains desirable amount of fiber, complex carbohydrate, manganese, magnesium, iron and phosphorus  


  • It is an algae which has been used for centuries for various medicinal purposes
  • It is considered as a nutritional power house and it is significantly rich in protein 

Soya milk

  • It is also prepared from soya been, a superior source of plant protein  
  • It is also fortified with various other micro nutrients in order to increase its nutritional value and it can be utilized as an alternative to milk (dairy)


  • Nuts are extensively used for various therapeutic purposes and they are also considered as great source of proteins
  • They contain healthy fats, fiber, calcium, phosphorus, iron, selenium, magnesium, B Vitamins and Vitamin E
  • They also packed with antioxidants and phytonutrients
  • They should be included in the diet in order to obtain a good nutritional status


Chick peas

These are also considered as an important source of plant protein which is composed of various important amino acids thus it should be included in a vegetarian diet

Pinto beans

  • It is a protein rich bean, which is extensively used in Mexican cooking
  • It should be included in the vegan diet in order to enhance the protein status of the body

Mung beans

These are very nutritious food stuff belongs to legume family which is associated with offering plenty of proteins per serving 

Faba beans

Consumption of faba bean is considered as an important option in order to increase protein intake as it is made up of various important amino acids that help in offering several benefits

Wild rice

  • It contains adequate amount of protein and other imperative nutrients as well, thus its consumption is thought to be very effective for obtaining a good health status
  • It is not actually related with rice but it can be widely used in many of the same dishes, like in soups, casseroles etc.

Lima beans

These are also considered as an important legume which is loaded with proteins and many other nutrients thus it should be included in the vegetarian diet in order to improve the nutritional status of the body

Brussels sprout 

  • It is extremely delicious as well as nutritious and should be incorporated in vegetarian or vegan diet in order to improve the protein status
  • It can be consumed by roasting or steaming
  • It can also be shredded in salad

Yellow sweet corn

  • It is a nutritious as well as tasty food mainly available in summer time
  • It is packed with proteins as well, thus it can be a healthy part of vegetarian or vegan diet  


  • It is made up of various important amino acids thus it is considered as a good source of protein
  • It is better to consume asparagus for increasing the protein status of the body
  • It can be consumed by grilling, steaming or roasting

Kidney bean

  • It is considered as a great source of plant protein thus it is always better to include it in a vegetarian or vegan diet
  • It is also composed of various other nutrient like carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals thus its consumption is thought to be very effective for boosting up the overall nutritional status of the body

All of the above stated foods are extremely nutritious and also loaded with proteins thus they should be incorporated in a vegan or vegetarian diet in order to obtain a healthy protein status

Protein rich plant foods


Mariotti, F. and Gardner, C.D., 2019. Dietary protein and amino acids in vegetarian diets—A review. Nutrients, 11(11), p.2661.

Marsh, K., Zeuschner, C. and Saunders, A., 2012. Health implications of a vegetarian diet: a review. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, 6(3), pp.250-267.

Marsh, K., Zeuschner, C., Saunders, A. and Reid, M., 2009. Meeting nutritional needs on a vegetarian diet. Australian family physician, 38(8), pp.600-602.

Marsh, K.A., Munn, E.A. and Baines, S.K., 2013. Protein and vegetarian diets. Med J Aust, 199(4 Suppl), pp.S7-S10.

Mattila, P., Mäkinen, S., Eurola, M., Jalava, T., Pihlava, J.M., Hellström, J. and Pihlanto, A., 2018. Nutritional value of commercial protein-rich plant products. Plant foods for human nutrition, 73(2), pp.108-115.

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