ARTICLE WRITTEN BY C. MITRA   Msc Food and Nutrition , B, Sc Food and Nutrition

Green bean

Green bean is considered as one of the oldest cultivated vegetables. It is extremely nutritious and offers numerous health benefits.

Nutritional profile

  • It contains lesser amount of carbohydrate but significantly rich in fibre
  • It contains too some extent of proteins as well as fat
  • It is packed with various micronutrients like Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, calcium, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium, potassium, iron and silicon
  • It also contains various phytonutrients that exert several nutraceutical activities

Biological activity

Antioxidant activity

It is packed with antioxidants, which are responsible for neutralizing free radicals in body and protect the body from their harmful effects

Anti-inflammatory activity

It contains several important plant compounds that exert anti-inflammatory activity and reduces the prevalence of chronic inflammatory diseases by delaying the onset of inflammatory events within body

Green bean

Anti-carcinogenic activity

Its antioxidant, phytonutrients, fibre and micronutrient components exert potent anti-carcinogenic activity that helps to decrease the prevalence of cancers especially colon cancer

Diuretic activity

It helps in improving urination and promotes the elimination of waste products from body through urine

Detoxifying activity

It helps to eliminate toxins from body. Basically it helps to stimulate the liver and promotes toxin elimination as a result helps to cleanse the body

Health benefits

Role on immunity

  • It contains numerous immune boosting nutrients, which play vital role in  boosting up the overall immunity of the body
  • It helps in enhancing the resistance power of the body by strengthening body’s natural defense mechanism
  • Its antioxidant activity is also responsible for improving the health and activity of immune cells by protecting them from oxidative damages, which ultimately helps to improve immune functions
  • Its Vitamin C component plays vital role in stimulating the production of WBC, which helps to fight against infections thus reduces the prevalence of infectious diseases

Role on skeletal system

  • Consumption of green bean is very effective for improving the health of skeletal system
  • It contains significant amount of calcium and phosphorus that help in healthy bone formation
  • It is also rich in manganese, which plays vital role in enhancing calcium absorption thus helps to lock calcium molecules together within the bone and making the bone strengthen from inside
  • Vitamin K present in green bean helps to activate osteocalcin, which is a non-collagen protein present in bone
  • It is also related with increasing bone mass and bone mineral density, which helps in decreasing the prevalence of bone thinning thus, lowers the risk of bone fractures
  • It helps to improve the symptoms of osteoporosis as well

Role on eye health

  • It is packed with carotenoids and especially rich in lutein and Zeaxanthi that play imperative role in improving overall eye health as well as vision thus it is extensively used as an important remedy for better eye sight
  • It is also associated with protecting the eye from the harmful effects of UV radiation
  • It is extremely helpful for preventing age related macular degeneration

Role on mental health

  • Consumption of green bean is very effective for promoting overall mental health status of an individual
  • Green bean plays significant role in decreasing the level of homocysteine in body. It has seen that excessive homocysteine interferes with the transportation of blood and nutrients to the brain, which subsequently decreases brain’s activity. As green bean reduces the level of homocysteine thus its consumption is thought to be very effective for boosting up the functionality of brain
  • Its folic acid content is responsible for preventing depression as well
  • It is also associated with regulating the production of serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine, which are responsible for improving mood
  • It helps to calm the body thus helps to decrease the stress level and anxiety too

Green bean

Role on fertility

  • It has seen that consumption of iron rich food during child bearing age plays significant role in promoting fertility
  • As green bean contains adequate amount of iron thus its consumption is thought to be extremely helpful for supporting fertility

Role on maternal health

  • Consumption of green bean during gestational period is extremely beneficial for improving overall maternal health
  • It contains various imperative nutrients that help to boost up the health of mother as well as the fetus
  • B vitamins present in green beans also play important role in promoting the growth and development of the fetus, especially its Vitamin B6 content helps in the growth of foetal nervous system
  • Its iron content is very useful for enhancing maternal blood volume thus it helps to make the mother less susceptible to be anemic, which ultimately helps to lower the rate of maternal morbidity and mortality
  • Folic acid is another important micronutrient found in green bean, which is responsible for reducing the susceptibility of birth defects

Role on digestion

  • Fibre present in green beans plays significant role in keeping the digestive tract healthy and also helps in its smooth running
  • It helps in improving bowel movement thus promotes regularity and prevents constipation
  • It is extremely useful for decreasing the prevalence of irritable bowel syndrome. It has seen that individual with irritable bowel syndrome feel better if they keep themselves away from FODMAP foods. FODMAPs are basically carbohydrates that are not digested or absorbed well. Green beans are considered as low FODMAP food thus their consumption is thought to be very effective for improving the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome
  • Its consumption is also very helpful for improving gut health as it helps in promoting the growth of intestinal beneficial microbes

Role on skin

  • It is better to include green bean in diet in order to obtain a healthy and supple skin
  • Antioxidants and flavonoids present in green bean act as anti-aging substances thus its consumption is thought to be very effective for preventing premature aging
  • Its Vitamin A component helps in improving skin barrier activity
  • It is also associated with reducing the prevalence of dermal infections
  • Its Vitamin C component helps in improving skin elasticity
  • It is extremely helpful for preventing wrinkles and dark spots

Therapeutic uses

It has been traditionally used for various therapeutic purposes, which include

  • It has been conventionally used as an imperative remedial action for anemia
  • It is widely used for boosting up the overall metabolism of the body. Its B vitamin components are considered as main components responsible for assuring healthy metabolism
  • Its silicon and Vitamin C component plays vital role in the formation of healthy connective tissue
  • Its fibre content helps in decreasing LDL, VLDL and triglyceride concentration in body thus helps to protect the body from the harmful effects of hypercholesterolemia
  • Its antioxidant, flavonoid, fibre and micronutrients help in promoting cardiac health and reduces the susceptibility of cardio vascular diseases
  • Its potassium content helps in preventing hypertension
  • It also helps to improve the symptoms of arthritis especially rheumatoid arthritis
  • It helps in decreasing blood sugar concentration as well. Its fibre content helps in decreasing the rate of glucose absorption through intestine, which ultimately reduces glucose load. Whereas it also helps in improving insulin sensitivity, which is also responsible for stabilizing blood sugar level

Risk factors

  • It contains lectin thus its over consumption may cause digestive disorders
  • It also contains phytic acid, which is responsible for interfering with nutrient absorption thus its over consumption may lead to nutritional deficiencies

Green bean


Chaurasia, S. and Saxena, R., 2012. Biochemical Studies on Antioxidant Potential of Green Beans in Fresh and Processed Conditions. Am. J. Pharm. Tech. Res, 2(6), pp.435-445.

Chaurasia, S., 2020. Green beans. In Nutritional Composition and Antioxidant Properties of Fruits and Vegetables (pp. 289-300). Academic Press.

Hammond, P. and Lillie, S., 2014. Fruit & Veg: F is for French Beans. Child Care, 11(8), pp.14-15.

Jiratanan, T. and Liu, R.H., 2004. Antioxidant activity of processed table beets (Beta vulgaris var, conditiva) and green beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 52(9), pp.2659-2670.

Sharma, B.P., 4 reasons to make green beans your favorite vegetable.

Space, B.T.O. and Cafe, A., Green beans.

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