ARTICLE WRITTEN BY C. MITRA   Msc Food and Nutrition , B, Sc Food and Nutrition


Egg has been used for centuries as an imperative dietary staple and it is considered as a supper food due to its profound nutritional benefits.

Nutritional profile

  • It is packed with proteins. It is composed of various important amino acids. It basically contains all the nine essential amino acids thus it is considered as a food with high biological value protein
  • It contains fat as well. It contains both saturated and unsaturated fat but mainly consisting of healthy unsaturated fatty acids like oleic acid, omega 3 fatty acids
  • It contains several vitamins as well, like Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Vitamin B2, B5, B6 and B9
  • It is also loaded with various minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, manganese, magnesium, selenium, zinc and iron
  • It contains adequate amount of choline as well

Biological activity                       

Antioxidant activity

It is loaded with antioxidants that help in neutralizing the free radicals within body and help to protect the body from oxidative damages

Anti-inflammatory activity

Consumption of egg is closely related with preventing long term inflammation. It contains various important components that exert anti-inflammatory activity and helps in preventing inflammation as well as swelling by reducing the level of inflammatory mediators in body

Anti-carcinogenic activity

  • It exerts potent anti-carcinogenic activity that helps in reducing the risk of developing cancers in many folds
  • It contains various imperative micronutrients as well as phytonutrients that have the ability to fight against cancers and help in suppressing the growth of malignant cells within body
  • It is extremely effective against breast cancer


Hypolipidemic activity

  • Though egg contains adequate amount of fat but it exerts hypolipidemic activity
  • It contains healthy fat, which include monounsaturated fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids (especially omega 3 fatty acids) that help in boosting up the HDL level or good cholesterol level in body, that help in providing a positive impact on health
  • It also helps in reducing the level of LDL and triglyceride in body as a result helps to decrease total fat percentage

Health benefits

Role on nervous system

  • Consumption of egg is very useful for improving the functionality of both central and peripheral nervous system
  • B vitamins components of egg specially vitamin B6 content help in improving brain’s activity
  • Proteins present in egg are also associated with promoting the growth and development of brain
  • Choline is another important component of egg that helps in synthesizing signaling molecules within the brain
  • Its vitamin D content is very useful for the grey matter
  • Consumption of egg is also related with keeping the neurological disorders at bay

Role on mental health

  • Consumption of a balance diet is considered as a healthy option for promoting overall health status including the mental health as well, and egg is considered as the healthy addition to the balance diet
  • Egg is packed with vitamin B2, B12, tryptophan, iron and choline, all of which are closely related with decreasing anxiety
  • Consumption of egg also helps to improve the symptoms of depression
  • It helps in aiding good sleep as well   

Role on weight management

  • Egg is very filling and plays vital role in weight management
  • The high satiety level of egg is considered as one of the most important features, which is responsible for weight management as it helps in lowering the desire to eat later in the day as a result helps in regulating calorie intake
  • Proteins present in egg are also accountable for delaying stomach emptying that helps in hindering appetite as well
  • It is also related with keeping the energy level high and gives a boost to the metabolic activity
  • It helps to decrease the variations in glucose level too, that plays important role in regulating eating pattern

Role on eye health

  • We all know that as we get older we need to take care of our eyes for maintain a healthy eye sight and consumption of egg is considered as one of the most important options for that because egg especially the yolk of the egg contains high amount of zeaxanthin and lutein both of which are extremely helpful for eyes
  • Egg is rich in vitamin A as well, which is also very beneficial for eye
  • It helps to protect the retina from free radical induced oxidative damages which ultimately help in promoting vision
  • It also plays vital role in lowering the risk of developing cataract as well as macular degeneration  

Role on energy production

  • Egg contains various important nutrients that are responsible for providing energy
  • It contains adequate amount of B vitamins that help in boosting up the metabolic reaction of the body as they participate in those reactions in the form of coenzymes as a result ensure a healthy metabolism
  • This is why egg helps to increase the energy level of the body


Role on muscular health

  • Consumption of egg is extremely useful for improving the health and activity of muscles as egg is composed of high biological value protein and protein acts as building block of muscles
  • It helps to improve muscle mass
  • It is also associated with maintaining and repairing body tissues including muscle, as a result helps in improving muscular performance
  • It has seen that individual who consume egg have greater endurance than others

Role on cardiovascular health

  • Egg contains various cardio friendly nutrients thus consumption of egg is thought to be very effective for promoting cardiac health and functionality
  • It contains omega 3 fatty acids that help to improve cardiac functions and also help in minimizing the susceptibility of cardiac disorders
  • It is also associated with increasing the level of HDL that helps to provide a positive impact on heart as well
  • Its triglyceride lowering activity as well as LDL lowering activity is very much helpful for decreasing the prevalence of atherosclerosis, which is considered as one of the leading causes of cardiovascular disease
  • It helps in promoting endothelial health as well. As it helps in preventing arterial hardening by inhibiting fat deposition thus it aids in smooth blood flow too
  • Potassium present in egg acts as vasodilator that helps in preventing hypertension

Role on skin health

  • It contains various important skin friendly nutrients that play vital role in nourishing the skin inside out
  • Vitamin A present in egg helps to improve skin barrier function
  • Healthy fat components of egg are also responsible for moisturizing the skin and help to improve skin texture  
  • It helps in preventing aging as well

Therapeutic uses

It has been extensively used for various therapeutic purposes, which include –

  • It helps in improving the immunological responses of the body
  • Its vitamins and minerals components are accountable for strengthening the immune system, whereas it also helps in promoting the synthesis of WBC that helps to make the body able to fight against infections
  • Zinc and selenium components are also very useful for improving the immunity
  • It helps in boosting up the cellular functions as well. Its choline, selenium and zinc components help in cell division as well as cellular growth
  • It helps in promoting the functionality of cell membrane too
  • Its folic acid component helps in reducing the prevalence of birth defects
  • Its protein components play vital role in promoting the overall growth and development of the body



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Kovacs-Nolan, J., Phillips, M. and Mine, Y., 2005. Advances in the value of eggs and egg components for human health. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 53(22), pp.8421-8431.

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Réhault-Godbert, S., Guyot, N. and Nys, Y., 2019. The golden egg: nutritional value, bioactivities, and emerging benefits for human health. Nutrients, 11(3), p.684.

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