ARTICLE WRITTEN BY C. MITRA   Msc Food and Nutrition , B, Sc Food and Nutrition

Collagen Peptides

Collagen peptides travel packs is one of the widely used supplements available, which is made up of protein. This protein contains collagen principally, and the hydrolysed form of collagen, which is known as collagen peptide, it is derived on hydrolysis of collagen. Collagen peptide is the most bio-available form of collagen. This is associated with numeral health advantage with awfully less side effects. Collagen peptides travel pack contains 20 packets in a box and each packet contains 11g of collagen peptide.

What is collagen?

Collagen is the chief profuse protein present in body. It is responsible for synthesizing the connective tissue of body. Several researches have shown that collagen is responsible for holding the body together. It is abundantly found in bones, cartilage, tendon, muscle, skin and joints. It helps in the proper growth and development of all of these respective parts of body.

Role of nutrients in collagen synthesis

  • Vitamin C, amiono acid- proline, glycine, zinc and copper play imperative role in collagen synthesis
  • Hydroxylation of the amino acid, proline into hydroxy proline is the essential step of collagen synthesis. Vitamin C acts as coenzyme in this hydroxylation process
  • It helps in the formation of protocollagen, which is converted into collagen

What is Collagen peptides and why it is important?

Collagen peptide is a type of protein. It is synthesized from the hydrolysis of collagen. It can be stated that collagen peptide is one of the most bio obtainable form of collagen and serve several important functions in living organism.

The main importance of collagen peptide are briefly discussed in below-

  • It helps to make the skin healthy by reducing the susceptibility of dryness of skin and wrinkles of skin. It is related with enhancing the elasticity of the skin, resulting in preventing the aging of the skin.
  • It helps to improve the density of bones. It also found to be coupled with preventing bone loss.
  • It plays an important role in the synthesis of cartilage
  • It is the major component of connective tissue of body and hence, helps the body to be hold together
  • It helps to inhibit joints pain
  • It is associated with increasing the muscle mass
  • Consumption of collagen peptide helps the body to burn fat faster
  • It is coupled with improving the health of nail and hair. It helps to strengthen the nail and hair

Why Collagen peptide supplement is needed?

  • Several studies and researches have shown that consumption of collagen peptide supplements for three months or more can able to increase the muscle mass many folds, hence this supplementation are widely used by athletes. Study has also shown that athletes who are on these supplements had experienced less joint pain.
  • Recent days it is used by a wide group of people as it has proved that use of collagen peptide supplements can able to improve the elasticity of skin and thus inhibiting ageing, improve the health of bone, tendon, cartilage, hair and nail.
  • It is also used by several obes individual, as it helps in weight reduction by enhancing fat breakdown within body

Health benefits of using Collagen peptides

Collagen peptide has numerous health benefits. This article will talk about the most important health benefit, which include-

Role in the synthesis of connective tissue

  • Connective tissue is an important tissue that is made up of fibres, which is responsible for forming a framework and associated with supporting the structure of the body.
  • Basically this tissue provides support, protection, insulation and structure to the others tissue and organ of the body
  • This tissue is widely distributed and mainly found in skin, muscle, bone, cartilage, tendon, blood, bone marrow
  • Collagen peptide helps to form the connective tissue and hence help to holding up the structure of body together

Effect on bones and cartilage

  • Bones are made up of minerals and proteins. Minerals include chiefly calcium and phosphorus and protein include collagen
  • Collagen peptide helps to boost the density of the bone and it is related with increasing the toughness of the bone and help to prevent bone loss
  • It is found that collagen peptide is associated with maintaining the integrity of all cartilage present in body. Cartilage is an important tissue of body that helps to protect the joints. The amount of Collagen present in body is found to be decreased with age hence, resulting in the development of various degenerative disorders of joints and joint pain. Supplementation of collagen peptide helps to improve the integrity of cartilage and help to reduce joint disorder like arthritis.
  • It helps to prevent inflammation, thus it is utilized to relief pain

Effect on skin

  • Collagen plays significant role in the proper growth and development of skin.
  • It helps to enhance hydration, therefore reduces the incidence of skin dryness
  • It helps to improve the elasticity of skin
  • Volume of collagen get decreased with age and hence deficiency of collagen occurred as the age increased and leads to formation of wrinkles, rough and dry skin and
  • Consumption of collagen peptide supplement will improve the skin elasticity and prevent ageing

Effect on weight management

  • Current research has shown that collagen helps in lipolysis
  • It increases the catabolism of fat many folds, hence leading to rapid breakdown of fat. This incidence is associated with decreasing fat storage and additional fat deposition within body, which is a key factor of weight reduction
  • It has found that obes people who consume this supplement can able to increase their metabolic rate and hence can capable of reducing their body weight

Effect on heart

  • It has a cardio protective role
  • As it increases fat breakdown, hence reduces the risk of fat deposition within blood vessels and thus maintain proper blood flow throughout the body and inhibit the risk of heart attack

Effect on muscle

  • It helps to maintain the muscle health and make the muscle strong and functioning in proper way
  • It has estimated that consumption of collagen peptide increases muscle mass and strength

Advantages and disadvantages of using Collagen peptide travel pack

The advantages and disadvantages of using collagen peptides travel packs are briefly discussed in the following table-



  • It is the hydrolysed form of collagen and it is water soluble, hence it can be easily consumed
  • It can be digest easily
  • It is highly absorbable
  • It can be easily distributed within human body
  • Consumption of this supplements will prevent bone damage, skin ageing, joint pain, artherosclerosis, heart attack
  • It has no or less side effects.
  • It has found that people who consume it over recommended amount, often experienced digestive problems like a feeling of fullness, bad taste, heart burn

How should it be consumed?

  •   It can be consumed by adding it with any beverages or food recipes
  •   It can be taken at any time of the day but it is beneficial to consume it at morning, in empty stomach as it would increase the absorption at empty stomach

There are some substances found, which inhibit collagen absorption that include, caffeine, tannin. Too much smoking is also inhibit its absorption, hence these substances should be avoided.


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Dressler, P., Gehring, D., Zdzieblik, D., Oesser, S., Gollhofer, A. and König, D., 2018. Improvement of functional ankle properties following supplementation with specific collagen peptides in athletes with chronic ankle instability. Journal of sports science & medicine, 17(2), p.298.

König, D., Oesser, S., Scharla, S., Zdzieblik, D. and Gollhofer, A., 2018. Specific collagen peptides improve bone mineral density and bone markers in postmenopausal women—a randomized controlled study. Nutrients, 10(1), p.97.

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Phillips, S.M., Tipton, K.D., Van Loon, L.J., Verdijk, L.B., Paddon-Jones, D. and Close, G.L., 2016. Exceptional body composition changes attributed to collagen peptide supplementation and resistance training in older sarcopenic men. British Journal of Nutrition, 116(3), pp.569-570.

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