Kidney is one of the most important organs of our body that helps in excreting waste and also helps in maintaining fluid balance. It is better to keep the kidney healthy because if kidney fails to work properly then the waste gets accumulated within body, which causes severe damage even can cause death too.
This article will give an overview of 21 foods that are good for improving the health and activity of kidneys –
- It is an important vegetable that contains various imperative nutrients and its consumption is very useful for promoting renal functionality
- It can be well utilized as a low potassium dish
- It contains various anti-inflammatory components (especially indoles) that help to protect kidney from inflammatory damages
- It is also loaded with Vitamin C, B Vitamins, Vitamin K and fibre that also offer various other health benefits
- Cabbage is considered as another important food that can be easily included in the diet of a renal patient as it is low in phosphorus, sodium as well as potassium
- Whereas it is loaded with fibre, Vitamin K, Vitamin C, B Vitamins and phytochemicals that play various important role in body
Bell pepper
- Low potassium content of bell pepper makes it a supper food for renal patients
- It also contains significant amount of Vitamin A, which is really very effective for boosting up immune function that is often comprised in individual with renal disorders

Onion can be a incorporated in the diet of renal patients as it is low in potassium thus its consumption is thought to be very effective for keeping the renal system properly functioning
- Generally renal patients are advised to restrict their sodium intake including added salt and in that case garlic can be utilized as an important alternative for salt
- It can be added flavor to dish as well
- It is mainly rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, sulfur compound and manganese, which all are responsible for providing various nutritional benefits
- Consumption of fish especially those fish that contains omega 3 fatty acid is really very useful for improving the renal functionality
- It has seen that omega 3 fatty acid helps in decreasing the level of LDL cholesterol in body and also helps to reduce elevated blood pressure, which are essentially needed for those individual who are on dialysis
Egg white

- We all know that egg is an important source of protein thus it should be a part of healthy diet and especially the egg white is considered as a great choice for renal diet as it helps in contributing high amount of renal friendly source of protein with low phosphorus
- It also acts as an important food for patient with dialysis treatment because they need higher protein with low phosphorus content
- Whole grain cereal products contain higher amount of phosphorus but buckwheat is an exception thus it is thought to be a healthy option for renal patients
- Whereas it contains adequate amount of fibre, magnesium and B vitamins, which are also accountable for exerting various health benefits
Olive oil
- Olive oil is a phosphorus free food stuff and this phenomenon is responsible for making it a great option for individual with renal disorders
- It is also considered as a healthy source of fat as it contains adequate amount of monounsaturated fatty acid called oleic acid, which exerts anti-inflammatory activity and helps to protect the kidney from inflammatory damages
- It has also seen that individual with advanced kidney disease experience trouble in keeping weight on thus they should consume high calorie diet and olive oil is an important option for them

- It is an important whole grain wheat product, which is widely used as an imperative therapeutic substance for renal patients as it contains lesser amount of phosphorus as well as potassium
- It also contains desirable amount of fibre as well as proteins, which are important for healthy renal functionality too
- It is an important and nutrient rich green that can be easily incorporated into the diet of renal patients
- Its low potassium content making it a healthy choice for renal friendly salads or side dishes
- It also contains nitrates that plays important role in lowering blood pressure, which is also considered as an important benefit for individual with kidney disease
- Individual who want to obtain a healthy renal system should try radish as it contains very lesser amount of potassium as well as phosphorus
- Its peppery taste is also accountable for making it a flavourful addition to low sodium diet
- Turnip is considered as an important renal friendly food. It helps to boost up the activity of kidneys
- Its low potassium, sodium and phosphorus contents make it a super food for renal patients
- Though it contains various other nutrients as well, like manganese, Vitamin C, B vitamins, fibres, phytonutrients, all of which are essentially required by the body for obtaining a good health status

- Consumption of cranberry is very useful for improving renal functionality
- It is extremely effective for preventing bladder infection too
It contains adequate amount of anthocyanins and ellagitannins both of which are responsible for exhibiting potent antioxidant as well as anti-inflammatory activities that ultimately help in protecting nephrons from damages hence promote renal functionality
- Being a low potassium fruit it can be included in the diet of a renal patient
- Consumption of pineapple not only helps in promoting renal health but also helps in reducing the susceptibility of renal disorders
- It is considered as a good food for kidney as it plays vital role in promoting renal health and activity
- Flavonoids present in raspberry also help in reducing the risk of developing renal disorders by many folds
- Consumption of blueberry is very useful for strengthening the renal activity
- It contains lesser amount of sodium, potassium as well as phosphorus thus it can be easily incorporated into the diet of a renal patient
- Whereas it is also loaded with antioxidants called anthocyanins that help to protect the kidney from free radical induced oxidative damages as a result help in maintaining normal kidney functioning

- Apple is packed with various nutrients that play several imperative roles in body and helps to keep diseases at bay
- Individual suffer from renal diseases should consume apple daily as it helps in improving the health and activity of kidneys whereas it also decreases the risk of developing renal disorders
Red grapes
- Red grapes are considered as another important addition to renal diet as it contains lesser amount of sodium
- It is also loaded with resveratrol that helps to protect kidneys from oxidative and inflammatory damages thus help to sustain the normal functioning of kidney
- Whereas it is packed with various other imperative nutrients as well that also exert numerous health benefits
- Cherry can be consumed for promoting renal activity
- It is also packed with various micronutrients and phytonutrients that help in exerting several nutraceutical activities thus cherries are considered as a healthy addition to renal diet
All of the above stated foods are extremely useful for boosting up the renal functionality and individual suffer from renal disease should include them in their diet in order to improve their symptoms

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