Jellyfish is an important marine animal, which is packed with various imperative nutrients that offer numerous health benefits.
Nutritional profile
- It contains desirable amount of proteins and composed of various important amino acids
- It contains too some extent of fat as well and it is mainly consisting of healthy unsaturated fatty acids like omega 3 fatty acids and omega 6 fatty acids. It is totally free from cholesterol
- It is a low calorie food as it does not contribute enough calories on its oxidation
- It contains significant amount of collagen
- It also contains choline
- It contains several important micronutrients and especially rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin B complex, iron and selenium
Biological activity
Antioxidant activity
- It is packed with antioxidants that help in protecting the body from oxidative damages
- It plays imperative role in decreasing the concentration of free radicals within body thus helps to protect the body from their harmful consequences
- Consumption of jelly fish is also associated with reducing the susceptibility of diseases as it helps in preventing oxidative stress, which is considered as one of the leading causes of developing diseases
- It also helps in improving cellular functions by preventing free radical induced cellular damages

Anti-inflammatory activity
- It exhibits potent anti-inflammatory activity that plays imperative role in preventing inflammation
- It helps in delaying the progression of inflammatory events within body by reducing the concentration of inflammatory markers as a result helps in lowering the prevalence of chronic inflammatory diseases
- It also helps in preventing swelling as well as pain
Hypotensive activity
- It has been extensively used as an imperative remedial action for hypertension
- It exerts potent hypotensive activity that helps to improve the symptom sof hypertension
- As it is related with reducing hypertension thus its consumption is thought to be very effective for minimizing the prevalence of health risks, which atre related with high blood pressure like heart attack and stroke
Hypolipidemic activity
- It plays vital role in decreasing total fat percentage of body
- It has seen that consumption of jelly fish is closely related with reducing the level of bad cholesterol or LDL, which ultimately help in reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases
- It helps in decreasing the level of VLDL and triglyceride too, which is also accountable for providing a positive impact on health
- Whereas it helps in improving the concentration of HDL as well
- It plays vital role in maintaining a healthy ratio of HDL and LDL in body too
- Its consumption is thus believed to be very useful for improving the lipid profile

Health benefits
Role on nervous system
- Consumption of such healthy sea creature is considered as extremely helpful for boosting up the health and activity of entire nervous system
- It contains various important nutrients that help in improving the activity of brain
- It contains desirable amount of calcium binding protein, which is very much useful for improving memory. It has seen that brain normally produces this calcium binding protein but the amount of production will subsequently decrease with age thus it is better to consume jellyfish in order to maintain a healthy level of calcium binding protein
- Whereas this calcium binding protein present in jellyfish is also related with decreasing the prevalence of age related brain disorders like Alzheimer’s disease, dementia etc
- It plays vital role in preventing cognitive decline too
Role on weight management
- Being a low calorie food, it is considered as a healthy choice for weight reduction
- Its low carbohydrate contents also make it an imperative therapeutic substance for weight reduction
- Proteins present in jellyfish is accountable for providing a feeling of satiety that ultimately helps in reducing overeating by hindering appetite resulting in weight reduction

Role on cardiovascular health
- Its consumption is extremely useful for promoting the health and activity heart as it contains various cardio friendly nutrients
- Its lipid lowering activity is also considered as another important feature responsible for reducing the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases. It plays vital role in reducing the prevalence of atherosclerosis by inhibiting fat deposition within blood vessels as a result minimizes the risk of developing blockage and coronary artery disease later in life
- It helps to protect the heart from oxidative damages as well
- It is also associated with minimizing the prevalence of heart attacks, strokes and myocardial infraction
Role on blood vessels
- It is better to incorporate jellyfish in diet in order to promote endothelial health and activity
- Its hypocholesterolemic activity is considered as an important feature responsible for improving endothelial health as it helps in preventing arterial hardening by inhibiting fat deposition as a result helps in smooth blood flow
- Its antioxidant activity is also responsible for protecting the blood vessels from oxidative damages thus helps in improving their activity
- Whereas its hypotensive activity is another important feature accountable for improving the health of blood vessels because reduction in blood pressure decreases the pressure on the wall of blood vessels, which ultimately helps in sustaining their activity as a result support proper blood circulation

Role on skin
- Consumption of jellyfish is very useful for making the skin healthy and supple as it contains various imperative nutrients that help in nourishing the skin effectively
- Being a good source of collagen its consumption is thought to be very effective for improving skin elasticity
- It helps to improve skin glow as well
- It is also related with supporting the regeneration of skin cells, which ultimately helps to keep the skin firm as well as young
- Its antioxidant activity is accountable for protecting the skin from free radical induced oxidative damages, which significantly reduces the risk of developing dermal disorders
- It is also associated with delaying the progression of aging process
- Moreover consumption of jellyfish is closely related with providing a flawless glowing skin
Therapeutic uses
It has been traditionally used for various therapeutic purposes like –
- It is widely used as an important therapeutic agent for strengthening the defense mechanism. It plays imperative role in improving the immunological responses of the body
It is also associated with reducing the risk of developing infectious diseases as it helps in stimulating the production of WBC that helps in making the body able to fight against infections
- It helps in improving the health and activity of connective tissue as it is packed with collagen, which is considered as one of the most important part of connective tissue
- Selenium component of jelly fish plays imperative role in maintaining a healthy thyroid function thus its consumption is thought to be very effective for keeping thyroid disorders at bay
- Its selenium content is also accountable for preventing cellular damages as a result help in improving cellular functions hence promotes overall wellbeing
- Consumption of jellyfish is also associated with keeping you younger for long period of time as it plays significant role in slowing down the aging process
Risk factors
Though jellyfish is very nutritious and tasty but it may cause allergic reactions. Jellyfish is extremely perishable and it is highly susceptible to be spoiled and consumption of such spoiled jellyfish is very injurious for health thus it is always better to consume jellyfish in dried form
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Gibbons, M.J. and Richardson, A.J., 2013. Beyond the jellyfish joyride and global oscillations: advancing jellyfish research. Journal of plankton research, 35(5), pp.929-938.
Hsieh, Y.H., Leong, F.M. and Rudloe, J., 2001. Jellyfish as food. In Jellyfish blooms: Ecological and societal importance (pp. 11-17). Springer, Dordrecht.
Raposo, A., Coimbra, A., Amaral, L., Gonçalves, A. and Morais, Z., 2018. Eating jellyfish: Safety, chemical and sensory properties. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 98(10), pp.3973-3981.
Torri, L., Tuccillo, F., Bonelli, S., Piraino, S. and Leone, A., 2020. The attitudes of Italian consumers towards jellyfish as novel food. Food Quality and Preference, 79, p.103782.