ARTICLE WRITTEN BY C. MITRA   Msc Food and Nutrition , B, Sc Food and Nutrition

Ice apple

Ice apple scientifically known as Borassus flabellifer, is a nutrient dense juicy fruit belongs to Arecacea family. It is loaded with various important micronutrients, electrolytes, phytonutrients and moisture thus this fruit is considered as a savior for summer.

Nutritional profile

  • It contains lesser amount of carbohydrates
  • It contains dietary fibre as well
  • It contains too some extent of proteins and fats
  • It does not provide enough calories on its oxidation due to its poor carbohydrate and fat contents thus it is termed as low calorie food
  • It contains several vitamins like Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Vitamin C and Vitamin B complex
  • It is also packed with numerous important trace elements, which include calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, iron and zinc
  • It is loaded with various phytonutrients as well, which exert antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic activities

Biological activity

Antioxidant activity

  • Its micronutrient components especially the vitamin components are responsible for exerting antioxidant activity
  • It helps to decrease the concentration of free radicals within body thus prevents cellular damages as a result it decreases the prevalence of various life threatening diseases like cancer, cardiovascular disease etc
  • It also helps to protect the body from the detrimental effects of reactive oxygen species as well as lipid peroxidation

Anti-inflammatory activity

  • Its phytochemical components are accountable for exhibiting potent anti-inflammatory activities
  • It helps to prevent inflammation by reducing the concentration of inflammatory mediators in body, which are responsible for triggering inflammation
  • It also helps to improve joint health by preventing joint swelling 

Health benefits

Role on hydration

  • Ice apple is considered as an important perishable food due to its high moisture contents thus its consumption plays significant role in hydrating the body
  • It has seen that during summer body mostly suffers from dehydration due to excessive loss of fluids through sweating and ice apple acts as an imperative home based remedy for combating dehydration as it provides sufficient fluid as well as electrolytes to the body

Role on immunity

  • Immune system requires vitamins as well as trace elements for its proper functioning and consumption of ice apple is considered as one of the vital choices for strengthening immune system as it is packed with vitamins and trace elements
  • It also helps to promote the health and activity of immune cells that helps to make the body able to fight against infections more effectively and ultimately lead to decrease the susceptibility of becoming ill


Role on maternal health

  • Consumption of ice apple during pregnancy is extremely beneficial
  • It not only provides essential nutrients to mothers but also helps to prevent various digestive disorders
  • Stomach cramps and abdominal pain are recognized as most common complications of pregnancy and consumption of ice apple is closely associated with preventing these complications
  • It helps to decrease the prevalence of nausea as well

Role on hepatic health

  • It helps to promote hepatic health by improving the activity of hepatic cells
  • It contains significant amount of potassium that ultimately helps in stimulating the detoxification process and helps the liver to clean the toxins effectively
  • It also helps to protect the liver from injuries thus its consumption is thought to  be extremely useful for decreasing the prevalence of hepatic disorders

Role on regulating body temperature

  • It plays vital role in regulating normal body temperature
  • It has seen that during hot summer body temperature tends to increase as there is a shortage of water occurred in body due to excessive sweating as a result dehydration occurred, skin irritation also develops and consumption of ice apple is extremely effective for decreasing these complications
  • As it helps to keep the body temperature under control thus it helps to cool the body as well

Role on skin

  • It contains various imperative nutrients that help to nourish the skin and promotes beauty
  • It is packed with phytochemicals that exert potent antioxidant as well as anti-inflammatory activities and play vital role in protecting the skin from damages thus its consumption is closely associated with lessening the risk of developing skin disorders
  • It helps to prevent ageing as well
  • We know that ice apple is one of the most important summer fruits that helps to cool the body more effectively during summer thus its consumption is thought to be very much useful for preventing prickly heat pimples
  • It helps to prevent rashes as well
  • Itching, skin irritation, burning sensation are considered as the most common skin complications that develop during summer and consumption of ice apple or application of its flesh on the affected region plays significant role in relieving itchiness and also helps to sooth discomforts

Healthy skin

Therapeutic uses

It has been extensively used for preventing a number of health complications, which include –

  • It is widely used as an imperative remedial action for constipation. Its fibre component helps in promoting regularity by enhancing bowel movement and by making the defecation easy
  • It has been traditionally used as an effective preventive measure for digestive disorders. It helps to promote overall digestive health and decreases the risk of developing various gastrointestinal disorders like indigestion, bloating, flatulence, stomach cramp, acidity etc
  • It is also considered as low calorie fruit thus it can be used as an important therapeutic substance for weight reduction as it does not provide much calorie on its oxidation but helps to fulfill hunger. Individual who want to reduce their weight or who want to maintain their ideal body weight should include ice apple in their diet. Its fluid content is responsible for sustaining the feeling of fullness thus helps in preventing overeating, which ultimately facilitates weight reduction
  • Heatstroke is a type of heat injury, generally caused by overheating of body and it is very severe in its manifestation. Ice apple plays important role in preventing heatstroke as it helps to cool the body and also provide abundant fluid as well as electrolytes, which ultimately improve the symptoms of heatstroke
  • It helps to prevent fatigue as well. It has seen that during summer people tend to sweat a lot as a result they feel tired and regular consumption of ice apple significantly prevents this type of tiredness and weakness
  • Individual suffer from chicken pox should include ice apple in their diet as it helps to prevent skin irritation caused by chicken pox
  • It is also associated with decreasing the prevalence of heat boils

General consideration of using ice apple

  • It is better to consume the ice apple fresh
  • The cutting of ice apple is a very difficult task. It is better to separate the skin before consumption
  • At first each pod should be extricated from the shell then the shell supposed to be hacked away and slicing of the fibrous shell ought to be done from the middle. Finally the gelatinous pod should be pried away from the white skin and then it can be consumed
  • It can be stored in refrigerator by a day. It is always better to consume it immediately as it spoils quickly
  • It can be consumed alone or can also be consumed with other fruits and can be used for preparing desserts as well

Risk factors

Too much consumption of over ripe ice apple can cause stomach ache thus it is better to consume it as per recommendation.

Good Health


Arunachalam, K., Saravanan, S. and Parimelazhagan, T., 2011. Nutritional analysis and antioxidant activity of Palmyrah (Borassus flabellifer L.) seed embryo for potential use as food source. Food Science and Biotechnology, 20(1), pp.143-149.

Jerry, A., 2018. A comprehensive review on the medicinal properties of Borassus flabellifer. J. Acad. Indus. Res, 7(7), pp.93-97.

Krishnaveni, T.S., Arunachalam, R., Chandrakumar, M., Parthasarathi, G. and Nisha, R., 2020. Potential Review on Palmyra (Borassus flabellifer L.). Advances in Research, pp.29-40.

Sahni, C., Shakil, N.A., Jha, V. and Gupta, R.K., 2014. Screening of nutritional, phytochemical, antioxidant and antibacterial activity of the roots of Borassus flabellifer (Asian Palmyra Palm). Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 3(4).

Zeid, I.M.A. and FarajAlla, A.R.A., 2019. Borassus flabellifer L. Palmyra Palm (Daleeb): Biochemistry, Functions and Utilization. In Wild Fruits: Composition, Nutritional Value and Products (pp. 465-479). Springer, Cham.

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