We all know about the consequences of overweight but do you know that underweight is also considered as one of the most vital heath issues that can affect one’s health adversely. So it is always better to maintain an ideal body weight in order to reduce the susceptibility of becoming ill.
This article will discuss about 15 most effective ways of weight gaining –
Include healthy carbohydrates and fats in diet
- It is better to focus on the diet which is rich in carbohydrates and fats because both of these nutrients play imperative role in gaining weight in a healthy manner
- Both of these nutrients are responsible for producing adequate amount of energy whereas fats are also considered as calorie dense nutrients thus their consumption is thought to be really very effective for increasing body weight
- It is better to include cereals like refine four, semolina, breads, noodles, nuts, butter, seeds etc. in the diet because they all are considered as good sources of carbohydrates and fats
Increase your calorie intake
- If you want to increase your body weight so you should focus on your calorie intake
- It is better to consume extra 500 kcal of energy above recommendation per day in order to support a healthy weight gain
- Carbohydrates, proteins and fats are considered as energy yielding foods as they help to provide energy on their oxidation thus it is always better to increase the intake of these three nutrients for accelerating weight gaining
- It is better to focus on the consumption of calorie rich and nutrient dense foods because consumption of only empty calories is not good for health because it does not provide any nourishment to the body
- While consuming calorie rich diet it should be kept in mind that calorie intake should be more than calorie expenditure
- One can easily increase his or her calorie intake by simply adding some seeds or nuts or cheese as topping in meal like avocado on toast, oatmeal with mixed nuts, protein smoothie etc

Increase your protein intake
- Protein is also considered as an important food constituent that is required for weight gaining
- We all know that protein is essentially required by the body for promoting the growth and activity of muscles as protein act as the building blocks of muscle thus consumption of protein is thought to be very effective for increasing muscle mass
- Meat, fish, egg, milk, pulses and legumes are considered as protein rich foods thus they should be included in the diet in order to support your weight gain
Always keep the body hydrated
- Consumption of fluid not only helps in preventing dehydration but also provides various positive impacts on health
- It helps to flash out toxins from body as a result makes the body clean and ensures healthy metabolism
- Consumption of protein smoothie or fruit juices added with extra sugar helps to hydrate the body as well as help in gaining weight

Have some potatoes
- It is considered as one of the most important foods that helps to add adequate amount of calories as well as starch in the diet which subsequently increases body weight
- It is closely related with long term weight gaining though potatoes are high glycemic food thus their excessive consumption may increase the risk of developing hyperglycemia thus it is better to substitute potato with sweet potatoes often
Increase physical strength
- Improving physical strength is very important for preventing the storage of excess calories in body as fat
- It is also associated in increasing the muscle mass
Include dry fruits in diet
- Consumption of dry fruit is considered as one of the most important ways for weight gaining
- Dried fruits like prunes, dates, apricots etc. are good sources of fats, proteins and vitamins thus their consumption not only helps in weight gaining but also promotes overall wellbeing
Try Ashwagandha

- It has been extensively used in Ayurveda for various medicinal purposes and it is thought to be very effective for supporting weight gaining as well
- It plays vital role in improving muscle mass and strength
- It is better to mix ashwagandha with sugar and ginger and then this powder should be added with water and milk. Consumption of such drink is really very effective for promoting weight gaining
Include milk in diet
- Milk has been extensively used as an imperative therapeutic substance for gaining weight
- It contains significant amount of proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals, all of these nutrients play vital role in our body. They help in increasing muscle mass, help in providing sufficient calories and also promotes overall wellbeing
Try butter
- Consumption of butter especially peanut butter is thought to be very effective for gaining weight as it contributes significant amount of energy
- It is considered as a healthy source of fat as well, which is also responsible for supporting the process of weight gaining
Often consume mango along with milk
- Consumption of mango with milk is considered as another important remedial action that helps in supporting weight gaining
- Mango contains adequate amount of carbohydrates whereas milk also contains significant amount of proteins and fats thus consumption of mango and milk in pair helps in contributing enough carbohydrates, proteins and fats, which yield sufficient calories on their oxidation, which ultimately helps in increasing body mass

Have some banana shake
- We all know that banana is packed up with calories and it is also associated with providing instant energy thus consumption of banana is thought to be very effective for supporting weight gaining
- In order to accelerate the weight gaining process one should consume banana along with milk as milk banana shake is relatively denser in calories than banana alone thus it is better to replace the morning and evening tea with milk banana shake
Proper sleeping
- Proper sleeping is very effective for relaxing the mind as well as the muscles as a result helps to refresh the body, which ultimately supports weight gaining
- Individual who want to gain their body weight should have an afternoon nap because it helps to accelerate the weight gaining process
Add some clarified butter and sugar to the diet
- It is better to mix some clarified butter (about one tablespoon) with sugar (about one table spoon) and consumption of such mixture is really very helpful for gaining weight
- Consumption of such mixture especially on empty stomach at least half an hour before lunch or dinner acts like magic

Often consume chamomile tea
Consumption of chamomile tea is very effective for weight gaining as it exerts appetite stimulating activity
General dietary consideration
Below points will provide some important tips that should be followed for healthy weight gaining –
- Not to drink water before or during meals because it may reduce your appetite and make you eat lesser which ultimately suppress your weight gaining
- It is better to increase the portion size of foods to be consumed
- It is better to consume food frequently within a short interval throughout the day
- Always try to consume calorie rich and nutrient dense mid meal snacks
- Do not skip meal
- It has seen that individual who are in a rush to gain weight rapidly tend to consume junk foods but it is not a healthy choice. It is always better to ensure weight gaining in as healthy manner in order to protect the health from various complications
All of the above stated measures are extremely helpful for increasing body weight in a healthy way.

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