ARTICLE WRITTEN BY C. MITRA   Msc Food and Nutrition , B, Sc Food and Nutrition

Jackfruit seed

Jackfruit seed is an edible seed obtained from jackfruit. It has lots of nutritional advantages. Most of people consume jackfruit and generally the seeds are discarded but seeds should not be thrown away as they are packed with numerous imperative nutrients that offer a range of health benefits.

Nutritional composition

  • It contains desirable amount of carbohydrate
  • It is also rich in dietary fibres
  • It is significantly rich in proteins and contains various important amino acids
  • It is loaded with several vitamins like Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin B1 and Vitamin B2
  • It also contains various important trace elements such as calcium, iron, potassium, manganese and copper
  • It contains phytonutrients too that help to exert various nutraceutical activities

Jackfruit seed

Biological activity

Antioxidant activity

  • It is loaded with various imperative micronutrients and phytonutrients that exert strong antioxidant activity
  • It helps to decrease the concentration of free radicals in body and protects the body from their detrimental effects
  • It is also associated with scavenging hydrogen peroxide and protects the body from hydroxyl radical activity

Anti-carcinogenic activity

  • Its saponins, phenolics and flavonoids components are considered as most important anti-carcinogenic components, which are closely related with decreasing the prevalence of carcinoma
  • It plays significant role in protecting the DNA from damages and also prevents mutation thus decreases the risk of developing cancers
  • It is also associated with inhibiting the formation of cancerous blood vessels
  • It helps to suppress the growth of malignant cells as well as tumor cells in body

Antimicrobial activity

  • It has been traditionally used as an effective remedial action for treating diarrhoea as it exerts antimicrobial activity
  • Consumption of jackfruit is very much useful for preventing the growth and reproduction of bacteria in host
  • It has seen that the surface of jackfruit seed is covered with various small particles, which possess antibacterial activities
  • It is extremely effective against the bacteria E.coli thus consumption of jackfruit seed is considered as one of the most effective preventive measures for food borne diseases
  • Its polyphenolic compounds are also responsible for exerting anti-fungal activity that helps the body to fight against fungus

Anti-inflammatory activity

  • Flavonoid components of jackfruit seed help in exhibiting anti-inflammatory activity
  • It has seen that its consumption is closely related with inhibiting the liberation of inflammatory mediators from macrophages, mast cells and neutrophils that ultimately help to prevent inflammation, swelling as well as pain

Aphrodisiac activity 

  • It has potent aphrodisiac activity and plays significant role in enhancing libido
  • Iron content of jackfruit seed is considered as the principal component responsible for improving sexual desire
  • In traditional Asian medicine, it has widely used for treating various sexual disorders

Health benefits

Role on digestive health

  • It has seen that powdered form of jackfruit seed has been traditionally used for treating constipation
  • It is also used as an effective remedial action for indigestion. It is better to dry jackfruit seeds at first (sun drying is the best option) and grind them to form powder, which can be used as an effective home based remedy for providing quick relief from indigestion
  • Its fibre content plays significant role in maintaining the health of overall digestive system

Role on eye

  • Being a good source of Vitamin A, its consumption is thought to be very much useful for improving eye health
  • It also helps to improve vision
  • It has seen that regular consumption of jackfruit seed is incredibly helpful for reducing the risk of developing various eye disorders like night blindness, xeropthalmia, cataract, bitot’s spot, keratomalacia, macular degeneration etc

Role on immunity

  • It is packed with various immune boosting nutrients like Vitamin A, Vitamin C that play imperative role in strengthening the immune system of the body
  • Its antimicrobial activity is also responsible for improving the activity of entire immune system and helps to protect the body from infections
  • It has seen that consumption of jackfruit seed is very effective for strengthening the immunity against the strain of HIV virus

Jackfruit seed

Role on muscle

  • It is composed of high quality protein thus its consumption is extremely helpful for improving muscle health
  • It helps in muscle building as well
  • It is also associated with improving muscle mass

Role on skin

  • It contains numerous nutrients that play vital role in promoting the overall skin health
  • Its antioxidant activity is accountable for preventing ageing
  • It helps to improve skin elasticity too by enhancing collagen synthesis
  • Soaking jackfruit seed in honey and milk followed by grinding them into a paste and application of such paste on skin significantly improves skin glow
  • It is also related with improving the softness of the skin
  • Its consumption is very effective for preventing wrinkle, dark circles, spots and fine lines
  • It helps to protect the skin from the harmful effects of UV radiation as well
  • Its consumption is also very useful for decreasing the prevalence of various dermal issues like skin infections, acne, pimple etc

Role on hair

  • It is considered as one of the most important foods for improving hair health
  • Being a good source of high value protein, it helps in hair growth
  • Its iron content is related with enhancing blood circulation to the scalp, which also helps in hair growth by providing proper nourishment to the scalp hence helps to fortify the hair from the root
  • Its vitamin A content plays significant role in preventing brittle hair
  • It helps to prevent alopecia as well
  • Its micronutrient content is also accountable for treating hair and scalp related infections

Therapeutic uses

  • It is extensively used as an imperative preventive measure for iron deficiency anemia as it contains desirable amount of iron
  • Individual suffer from hypercholesterolemia or elevated lipid profile should include jackfruit seed in their diet as it contains adequate amount of fibre, which is related with decreasing the concentration of cholesterol in body
  • Its cholesterol lowering activity is also responsible for decreasing the prevalence of atherosclerosis, fatty liver disease as well as gall stones
  • It also helps to prevent hypertension and all the credit goes to its potassium content
  • Its consumption is extremely useful for reducing the prevalence of blood clots as its manganese component plays vital role in regularizing blood clotting

Culinary uses

  • It can be added to salad before consumption
  • It can also grinded into flour, which can be used for preparing various dishes and also for baking purposes
  • It can be added with smoothie
  • It can be consumed alone as a snack
  • It can also be used for preparing butter

General consideration of using jackfruit seed

  • It is not wise to consume raw jackfruit seed as it contains various anti-nutritional factors thus it is better to boil it or roast it before consumption
  • Boiling can be done by covering the jackfruit seed with water at least for 30 minutes. Then the boiled seed can be consumed after peeling the outer white layer of the seed
  • Similarly the seed can be roasted or baked on an oven at 400°F for 20 minutes and then it can be consumed by removing its outer layer

Risk factors

Too much consumption of jackfruit seed is not healthy as it contains anti-nutritional factors like trypsin inhibitor, tannin etc that may interfere with nutrient absorption.

Jackfruit seed


Amadi, J.A., Ihemeje, A. and Afam-Anene, O.C., 2018. Nutrient and phytochemical composition of jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) pulp, seeds and leaves. International Journal of Innovative Food, Nutrition and Sustainable Agriculture, 6(3), pp.27-32.

Chen, J., Liang, Y., Li, X., Chen, L. and Xie, F., 2016. Supramolecular structure of jackfruit seed starch and its relationship with digestibility and physicochemical properties. Carbohydrate polymers, 150, pp.269-277.

Gupta, D., Mann, S., Sood, A. and Gupta, R.K., 2011. Phytochemical, nutritional and antioxidant activity evaluation of seeds of jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.). International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences, 2(4), pp.336-345.

Mahanta, C.L. and Kalita, D., 2015. Processing and utilization of jackfruit seeds. In Processing and impact on active components in food (pp. 395-400). Academic Press.

Swami, S.B., Thakor, N.J., Haldankar, P.M. and Kalse, S.B., 2012. Jackfruit and its many functional components as related to human health: a review. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 11(6), pp.565-576.

Waghmare, R., Memon, N., Gat, Y., Gandhi, S., Kumar, V. and Panghal, A., 2019. Jackfruit seed: an accompaniment to functional foods. Brazilian Journal of Food Technology, 22.

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