Carom seed is a nutritious seed obtained from Ajwain plant. The seed has a strong bitter taste and has a characteristic flavor, similar to thyme. It contains significant amount of fibre, micronutrients as well as antioxidants and it has been traditionally used for various medicinal purposes.
Nutritional profile
- It contains lesser amount of carbohydrates
- It is rich in fibre
- It contains too some extent of protein
- It contains negligible amount of fat as well
- It provides very less energy on its oxidation due to its poor carbohydrates and fats contents
- Whereas it is loaded with various important micronutrients and especially rich in iron and calcium
- It contains phytonutrients as well, that exert various nutraceutical activity
Biological activity
Antioxidant activity
- It is loaded with antioxidants thus its consumption is thought to be very effective for protecting the body from oxidative damages
- It basically helps in neutralizing free radicals in body and thus reduces the prevalence of oxidative stress, which ultimately provide a positive impact on health
- Its oxidative stress reducing capacity is also considered as an important features for reducing the risk of developing various diseases even cancer, as oxidative stress is believed to be one of the leading causes of developing various diseases
- It helps to prevent cellular damages too, which ultimately promotes overall wellbeing

Anti-inflammatory activity
- We all know that inflammation is a normal response of our body but long term inflammation is very detrimental for health as it causes severe harm to the health
- It is thus better to prevent long term inflammation in order to obtain a better health and it can be easily done by consuming foods, which exert anti-inflammatory activities. Carom seed can be used for this purpose, because it has potent anti-inflammatory activities
- It contains various micronutrients and phytonutrients, which are accountable for exerting anti-inflammatory activity, which ultimately helps in preventing inflammation by decreasing the level of inflammatory markers in body
- It also helps to prevent swelling and pain
Antimicrobial activity
- It plays imperative role in suppressing the growth and replication of microbes within host as it has the ability to fight against microbes
- Thymol and carvacrol are the two important components of carom seed, which are responsible for exerting antimicrobial activity
- It helps to prevent the growth of both Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria. Especially it is very effective against E. coli, Streptococcus mutans and Salmonella
It can also hinder the growth of drug resistant bacteria
- It is very useful for preventing the growth of fungus as well. It has seen that consumption of carom seed or its extract is very effective against Candida krusei and Candida albicans
Hypolipidemic activity
- It plays vital role in decreasing the concentration of cholesterol in body
- Its consumption is really very effective for reducing the level of triglyceride, LDL and VLDL in body, which ultimately reduces the risk of developing metabolic syndromes
- It is thus better to consume carom seed in order to improve the lipid profile
Hypotensive activity
- It has been traditionally used as an imperative remedial action for hypertension due to its hypotensive activity
- It contains an important enzyme named thymol, which acts as calcium channel blocker as a result it helps in averting calcium from entering blood vessels of the heart that expands and relaxes blood vessels, which subsequently reduces elevated blood pressure
Antitoxic activity
- It exhibits powerful antitoxic activity, which helps to protect the body from the harmful effects of toxins
- Aflatoxin is a type of mycotoxin produced by the fungus Aspergillus flavus, considered as extremely hazardous for human health. It has seen that consumption of carom seed or its extract provide a destructive impact on aflatoxin and thus protects the body from its detrimental effects
- It is also associated with protecting the body from chromium toxicity

Health benefits
Role on digestive health
- It has been traditionally used as an imperative preventive measure for various digestive disorders like flatulence, acidity, indigestion etc
- It has outstanding gut healing property thus its consumption is thought to be very effective for obtaining a healthy digestive system
- Enzyme present in carom seed is very useful for promoting digestion as it helps in promoting the synthesis of gastric juices
- Its consumption is also associated with improving the symptoms of heartburn
- It helps in healing the sore of esophagus, whereas it also helps in healing ulcer in stomach and intestine
Role on respiratory health
- It is very effective for improving respiratory health as well
- It acts as an important decongestant that helps in eliminating mucous especially from nose thus making the breathing easier
- It is also associated with dilating the bronchial passages, which is very beneficial for asthmatics
- It acts as anti-coughing agent as well, that helps in relieving cough by increasing air flow to the lung
Role on renal health

- Consumption of carom seed or its extract is very useful for promoting the health and activity of renal system
- It is also associated with supporting the excretion of wastes from body
- It helps to cure kidney stones and helps in reducing the risk of developing kidney stones as well
Role on skin
- It is very effective for promoting overall skin health
- It plays important role in improving the smoothness and glow of the skin
- Its antioxidant activity plays vital role in protecting the skin from free radical induced oxidative damages, which ultimately reduce the risk of developing dermal disorders in many folds
- It helps to prevent premature aging as well
- Its anti-inflammatory activity is also very useful for preventing skin inflammation
- It helps to prevent wrinkles, dark circles, dark spots and fine lines
- It is also related with lightening the scars of pimples and acne
Therapeutic uses
It has been widely used for various therapeutic purposes, like –
- It helps to reduce arthritic pain and all the credit goes to its anti-inflammatory property, which helps in preventing joint swelling, which subsequently improves the symptoms of arthritis
- It is also associated with lowering the prevalence of autoimmune inflammatory disease such as rheumatoid arthritis
It plays vital role in preventing muscle pain as well
- It also provides relieve from toothache
- It helps in improving oral health and hygiene as well. Its antimicrobial activity is responsible for hindering the growth of microbes, which are responsible for oral infections
- Its cholesterol lowering activity is also very beneficial for promoting cardiac health as it helps in reducing the risk of developing atherosclerosis (deposition of fat within blood vessels), which is considered as one of the leading causes of cardiovascular diseases
- It also helps in improving circulation
- It helps to accelerate wound healing process as well
Culinary uses
It is extensively used in Indian cooking and it can be easily incorporated in the diet, like –
- It can be used for preparing curries
- It can be also used for preparing pickles
- It can be added to detox tea
- It is widely used for preparing tadka
- It can be also used for preparing parathas
- It is used as a flavouring agent as well. It can be used for enhancing the flavor of chicken curry or fish curry or lentil curry
Risk factors
Excessive consumption of carom seed may produce gas in stomach that leads to reflux and acidity thus it is better to consume it in moderation

Agrawal, M., Uses of Ajwain in oral and general health.
Grover, M., Ayurvedic Significance of World‘s Ancient Spice, Trachyspermum ammi Linn.(Ajwain).
Rajeshwari, C.U., Kumar, A.V. and Andallu, B., 2011. Therapeutic Potential of Ajwain (Tracyspermum ammi L.) Seeds. In Nuts and seeds in health and disease prevention (pp. 153-159). Academic Press.
Singh, A. and Mandal, S., 2021. Ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi Linn): A review on Tremendous Herbal Plant with Various Pharmacological Activity. International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Topics, 2(6), pp.36-38.
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