Juice, which is extracted from calamansi fruit, is generally termed as calamansi juice. This juice is extremely rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin A, calcium, potassium as well as antioxidants and also offers numerous health benefits.
- Calamansi fruit is generally known as golden lime and it is a hybrid of orange and kumquat. Its juice is commonly known as calamansi juice, which is extensively cultivated in Southeast Asia especially in Philippines
- It is sour in taste
- It has astringency as well
- It is very tart
Nutritional profile
- It is rich in moisture thus its consumption is very effective for hydrating the body
- It contains desirable amount of carbohydrates as well as dietary fibres
- It contains protein as well
- It contains negligible amount of fat
- It contains various micronutrients and especially rich in Vitamin C
- It is also packed with numerous phytonutrients, which help to exert several nutraceutical activities
Health benefits

Role on immunity
- It has seen that calamansi juice has been extensively used in folk medicine as an effective immune booster
- Its vitamins and minerals contents are responsible for improving the immunological responses of the body
- Vitamin C or ascorbic acid found in calamansi juice plays significant role in increasing the count of WBC in body that ultimately helps to increases the ability of body to fight against infections
- It significantly improves body’s resistance power thus its consumption is thought to be very effective for decreasing the susceptibility of developing infectious diseases
- It reduces the prevalence of various other chronic diseases as well, which include, cardiovascular disease or diabetes or cancers by preventing oxidative damages of the body
- It also provides protection to the body against microbial infestation as it exhibits antimicrobial activities too
Role on oral health
- It plays vital role in improving oral health
- It has seen that its consumption is very effective for promoting oral hygiene as it helps to prevent microbial infestation in oral cavity thus decreases the risk of developing oral infections
- Its Vitamin C content plays vital role in preventing tooth decay as Vitamin C is associated with strengthening the gum thus it also helps to prevent loosening of teeth
- It is also used as an imperative natural remedial action for bleeding gum
- Consumption of calamansi juice is very effective for removing dental plaque as well

Role on detoxification
- Consumption of calamansi juice is very effective for cleansing the body as it stimulates the process of toxins elimination
- It is associated with increasing urination that ultimately helps in flashing out wastes especially nitrogenous waste through kidney
- It also helps to improve the functionality of kidney thus helps in eliminating waste product from body
- It helps to promote the health and activity of liver as well as gallbladder, which are also responsible for eliminating excess toxins from body
Role on skin
- It has been extensively used as an effective bleaching agent for skin
- It has seen that its application on skin significantly prevents skin discoloration
- It also acts as potent antioxidant, which helps to protect the skin from free radical induced oxidative damages
- It helps to improve the sign of aging as well
- Its application is very effective for clearing blemishes
- It helps to improve skin elasticity too
- It helps to prevent wrinkles, dark spots and pimple marks
- As it has alkaline property thus it helps in whitening the skin

Role on connective tissue
- Tissue that helps to connect and support other types of tissues of body is generally known as connective tissue
- Collagen is considered as the main component of connective tissue, which is accountable for making up various parts of the body like skin, ligament, tendon and muscle
- Consumption of calamansi juice is extremely useful for promoting the growth as well as the functionality of connective tissue. It contains significant amount of Vitamin C, which plays imperative role in stimulating the synthesis of collagen
- It also helps to improve the ability of the body to grow properly and also helps to repair damages by stimulating the process of tissue re-synthesis
- It helps to promote wound healing as well
Role on respiratory health
- It helps to promote overall respiratory health
- Having mucous as well as phlegm is a bothersome experience and it can be easily prevented by consuming calamansi juice as it is rich in ascorbic acid, which helps to break through that mucous and phlegm
- It has seen that its consumption is also very effective for soothing inflammation in respiratory tract and throat
Disease preventive role of Calamansi juice
Diabetes mellitus
- Naringenin is an important isoflavone found in calamansi juice, which exerts strong hypoghycemic effect thus individual who suffer from diabetes mellitus or those who are at risk condition, should include calamansi juice in their diet
- It has seen that naringenin is also responsible for regulating the release of insulin as well as glucose in blood stream that ultimately helps to prevent hyperglycemia
- It is associated with improving insulin sensitivity and insulin helps to transfer glucose from blood to liver as a result the level of glucose decreases in blood stream

- It has been widely used as an effective preventive measure for hypercholesterolemia as it is closely related with lowering the level of cholesterol in body
- Individual with elevated lipid profile should consume it
- It helps to decrease the concentration of LDL, VLDL in body whereas helps to increase the level of HDL
- Its consumption is very effective for maintaining a healthy ratio of LDL and HDL in body
- It helps to improve hepatic functions as well. As it helps in reducing total cholesterol concentration thus it significantly decreases the prevalence of hepatic cell necrosis and gall stone formation
- Its cholesterol lowering effect is also very beneficial for decreasing the risk of developing metabolic syndrome like cardiac disorders, atherosclerosis, obesity etc
- It reduces the risk of strokes or heart attacks too as it promotes cardiac health by decreasing total body fat percentage
- It has been traditionally used in folk medicine for preventing obesity
It significantly increases the metabolic rate of the body that facilitates weight reduction
- It has seen that it is associated with eliminating those toxins, which are responsible for fat storage within body
- It is better to consume calamansi juice at morning, which helps to stimulate metabolism thus enhances the passive fat burning
- Though it contains significant amount of citric acid but tannin present in the rind of calamansi helps to decrease the prevalence of acid reflux
- It also helps to reduce the susceptibility of developing ulcers by exerting anti-inflammatory activities as well
Perspiration issue
- Individuals who have perspiration issue should use calamansi extract to prevent bad body odour
- It plays vital role in removing odour causing bacteria from body
Risk factors
Though it has various health benefits but its over consumption is not desirable as it may develop various health hazards like –
- It can cause gastrointestinal disturbances like diarrhoea, stomach cramp, abdominal discomfort etc
- As it is astringent thus it causes stomach irritation in large dose
- Individual suffer from renal disorders or those who are on diuretic drugs should avoid its consumption
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Goh, R.M.V., Pua, A., Liu, S.Q., Lassabliere, B., Leong, K.C., Sun, J., Tan, L.P. and Yu, B., 2020. Characterisation of Volatile Compounds in Kumquat and Calamansi Peel Oil Extracts. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 23(5), pp.953-969.
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Siner, A., Sevanesan, M.S., Ambomai, T., Wahab, Z.A. and Lasem, L., 2020. Blood glucose response to a calamansi drink in healthy adults: a non-randomised study. BMC research notes, 13(1), pp.1-4.