ARTICLE WRITTEN BY C. MITRA   Msc Food and Nutrition , B, Sc Food and Nutrition

Chest congestion

Chest congestion is a condition where mucous gets accumulated within lungs and bronchi (lower breathing tube). It is mainly accompanied by cough, which carries up thick mucus. It is very discomforting and should be treated in time otherwise it may develop chest pain and also make the chest feel heavy. It makes the breathing and swallowing difficult too

This article will discuss about most important 19 home based remedies that help in relieving congested chest –

Have some lemon juice and honey

  • Consumption of lemon juice with honey is considered as one of the most effective home based remedial actions for treating chest congestion
  • Lemon and honey both act as important decongestant
  • Especially the honey helps in soothing throat as well as the chest, which ultimately helps in improving the symptoms
  • Whereas Vitamin C present in lemon helps to boost up the immunity of the body
  • It is better to add honey and lemon juice to one glass of hot water and consumption of such concoction for about 2 to 3 times in a day significantly decreases congestion

Consume warm water

  • Consumption of warm water is considered as another preventing measure for chest congestion
  • It mainly helps to dissolve mucous within respiratory tract as a result helps in healing chest congestion
  • It is associated with relaxing throat as well
  • It is thus better to consume warm water often for relieving congested chest

Have warm milk                                  

  • Consumption of hot milk is closely related with improving the symptoms of chest congestion
  • It works on chest, which gradually heals congestion
  • It is associated with preventing cold infections too
  • It helps to prevent cough as well
  • It is better to add some honey, black pepper and turmeric to the milk before consumption, it acts like magic

Consume tea

  • Consumption of hot tea is considered as another effective way for treating congested chest
  • It is better to brew a cup of peppermint, ginger, rosemary or chamomile tea for relieving chest congestion
  • Honey can be used in the place of sugar for obtaining extra benefits


Have some black coffee

  • Consumption of black coffee is also helpful for treating chest congestion as it helps to dissolve mucous but it should be kept in mind that it may only provide temporary relief
  • It is better not to consume two cups of coffee in a day because excess caffeine is not good for health

Try turmeric

  • Turmeric acts as an important therapeutic substance for treating chest congestion
  • It contains an important substance called curcumin that plays vital role in relieving chest congestion by dissolving mucous
  • Whereas curcumin is also related with exhibiting antimicrobial activity that helps to kill microbes and decreases the susceptibility of chest infection
  • Curcumin has powerful anti-inflammatory activity as well thus its consumption is thought to be very effective for preventing the swelling of respiratory tract
  • It also helps to decrease the prevalence common cough and cold

Include onion or its extract in diet

  • Consumption of onion extract is thought to be one of the most effective remedies for treating chest congestion. Though most of the people do not like the bitter taste of the onion but consuming onion or its extract is really very effective for improving the symptoms of congested chest
  • Onion contains an imperative substance named quercetin that helps to eradicate mucous
  • Its consumption is also associated with preventing further building up of mucous within chest
  • Whereas it also exhibits antimicrobial activity that helps to hinder the growth of microbes within host thus helps in decreasing the risk of developing chest infection
  • It is better to extract the onion juice first then it should be added to water, honey and lemon juice can also be added to it and it should be heated. Consumption of such warm concoction at least for 3 to 4 times a day is really effective for relieving congested chest

Try ginger

  • Consumption of ginger is another important preventive measure for congested chest as it plays vital role in dissolving mucous
  • Raw ginger can be consumed or it can be also consumed with warm water or tea, which gradually helps to relief chest congestion

Often include spices in food

  • Consumption of food infused with spice like chili pepper or cayenne pepper or cardamom or cinnamon or garlic is very effective for relieving chest congestion
  • It is also related with blocking sinus

Keeping the head elevated while sleeping

It is better to keep the head elevated always while sleeping because lying flat increases discomfort as patient may feel like the mucus is collecting at the back of the throat

Gargling with salt water

  • Gargling with warm salt water is very effective for treating congested chest as it helps in clearing away the residual mucous
  • It also helps to soothe irritated throat and helps to prevent throat infection as well
  • One teaspoon of salt should be added in a glass of warm water and it should be gargled several times in a day


Better to say no to cigarette

Smoking should be strictly avoided because smoking is responsible for increasing the production of mucous as well as phlegm, which ultimately worsen the situation  

Better to keep allergy in check

Seasonal allergies are accountable for producing excess mucous and phlegm. It may also lead to stuffy or runny nose thus it is better to keep allergies in check in order to reduce the complication

Always taking a hot shower

  • It is better to take a hot shower as it helps in loosening the mucous in the throat and nose
  • It is also associated with bringing relief from sinus pressure

Exclude those foods from diet that cause acid reflux

  • Acid reflux may increase the production of phlegm, which ultimately causes various complications thus it is better avoid the consumption of those foods (like alcohol, fatty foods, excessive spicy foods etc) that are responsible for triggering acid reflux
  • Individual suffer from acid reflux or heart burn should consult with health experts for proper management

Better to keep the air moist

Dry air may cause irritation in nose and throat thus it is better to place a cool humidifier in room as it helps to clear the nose and also helps in preventing sore throat

Always drink plenty of water

  • It is always better to keep the body hydrated because it helps to keep the mucous thin thus helps in improving the symptoms
  • It may also help to drain sinuses


  • Inhalation of steam is one of the most important remedial actions for congested chest
  • It has seen that taking a deep breath and inhaling steam immediately provide relief from congested chest as well as stuffy nose
  • It is better to add some eucalyptus oil in the water for maximizing its benefits because eucalyptus oil exerts potent analgesic as well as antimicrobial activity that ultimately helps to ease up chest congestion

When to see a doctor

Though mucus is not a serious concern it can be easily treated by the above stated remedies but if anyone experience other illness or if coloured mucous is coming out from the cough then it should be evaluated by a doctor

Healthy lung


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