Oregano is an important herb belongs to mint family and the oil extracted from it, is generally termed as oregano oil. It is very popular and has been traditionally used for various culinary purposes whereas it offers numerous health benefits too.
How oregano oil is prepared?
Oregano oil or oregano essential oil is extracted from dried shoots and leaves of oregano plant. After extraction the oil is concentrated by steam distillation process, whereas oregano oil can be prepared at home as well.
Nutritional composition
- It contains desirable amount of carbohydrate as well as fibres
- It contain s lesser amount of proteins and fats
- It is loaded with several micronutrients like Vitamin A, C, E, K, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, iron and magnesium
- It contains phytosterol too
Biologically active components of oregano oil
The main three important components of oregano oil are –
- Carvacrol, it is a phenol present abundantly in oregano oil and helps in preventing microbial growth within host
- Rosmarinic acid, it acts as a strong antioxidant
- Thymol, it exhibits antifungal activity and also protects the body from toxin
- Apart from these 3 components, oregano oil contains various other components like linalool, O-cymene, P-cymene, Y-terpinene and Caryophyllene oxide, which also exhibit several nutraceutical activities

Biological activities
Antioxidant activity
- Rosmarinic acid content of oregano oil is considered as the main component that exerts potent antioxidant activity
- It mainly helps to lower the concentration of free radicals within body. We know that free radicals are natural products of metabolism and they are responsible for developing various life threatening disorders like cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases etc. They may lead to ageing as well thus it is better to keep their level at check so that they cannot harm the body and it can be easily done by consuming antioxidant like oregano oil
Anti-inflammatory activity
- Carvacrol, is an important component found in oregano oil that exert potent anti-inflammatory activities
- It is closely related with decreasing the level of inflammatory markers in body as a result prevents inflammation
- It helps to prevent joint swelling and improves joint health thus it is widely used as an imperative remedial action for arthritis especially for rheumatoid arthritis
- It also helps in relieving pain
Anti-carcinogenic activity
- It is very much helpful for fighting against cancers and all credit goes to its carvacrol component as it exhibits anti-carcinogenic activities
- It has seen that it plays vital role in protecting the DNA from damages and also prevents its mutation, which ultimately lowers the risk of cancers in many folds
- It is also associated with inducing apoptosis that helps in suppressing the growth of malignant cells in body
- It is extremely useful for reducing the prevalence of prostate cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer and colon cancer

Antimicrobial activity
- It is very much useful for reducing the susceptibility of infectious diseases as it exerts strong antimicrobial activity, which ultimately protects the host from microbial infestation
- It is very effective against yeast. We know that yeast is a fungus and Candida is the most common yeast, which is responsible for developing various infections like vaginal infections, mouth infections, intestinal infections etc. It has seen that carvacrol component of oregano oil is extremely effective against five different types of Candida and awfully useful for protecting the body from the harmful consequences of Candida infections
- Thymol component of oregano oil is also very effective for hindering microbial growth within host
- It has seen that oregano oil is extremely beneficial for improving the symptoms of fingernails or infected toenails, oral thrush and athlete’s foot
- It helps to fight against bacteria as well. Thymol and carvacrol components of oregano oil are incredibly effective against Staphyloccus aureus
- It is also associated with inhibiting the growth of antibiotic resistance microbes like E. coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which are responsible for urinary tract infection and respiratory tract infections

Health benefits
Role on digestive health
- It plays imperative role in improving overall gut health as it helps to hinder the growth of gut parasites as a result decreases the prevalence of diarrhoea, bloating, abdominal pain etc
- It helps to treat SIBO or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth too
- It also helps in digestion by promoting the secretion of digestive juice
Role on wound healing
- Carvacrol and thymol component of oregano oil help in rapid wound healing
- It has seen that application of diluted oregano oil on the site of wound not only helps in healing but also helps to protect the site of cut from bacterial infestation
Role on weight management
- Carvacrol component of oregano oil plays vital role in preventing obesity
- It also helps to inhibit fat accumulation within body
Hypolipidemic activity
- Thymol, carvacrol and phytosterol components of oregano oil play imperative role in decreasing the concentration of cholesterol in body
- It significantly decreases the level of LDL in body whereas improves HDL level, which ultimately helps to protect an individual from the detrimental effects of hypercholesterolemia, atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease and fatty liver disease

Role on skin
- It has seen that application of oregano oil topically along with some carrier oil significantly improves skin health
- It also plays vital role in making the skin smooth as well as flawless
- It is very useful for preventing acne and psoriasis
- Its antioxidant activity is closely related with preventing aging thus its application significantly reduces the prevalence of fine lines, wrinkles etc
- It is also very effective for preventing seborrheic dermatitis
Role on hair
- It is associated with stimulating the blood flow within the scalp, which ultimately promotes hair growth
- It also helps to strengthen the hair
- It makes the hair shiner as well as smoother
Therapeutic uses
It is extensively used for various therapeutic purposes, like –
- Inhalation of oregano oil with steam helps in preventing chest congestion. It is also associated with improving the symptoms of sinus, asthma and bronchitis
- It helps to prevent common cold as well as cough
- It is very effective for preventing headache
- It helps to prevent muscle pain too
- It is also related with decreasing the prevalence of menstrual issues like menstrual cramp, irregular bleeding etc
- It helps to decrease the prevalence of oral disorders like gum diseases, canker sore, toothache etc
- It is also associated with decreasing the prevalence of varicose veins

General consideration of using oregano oil
- It is always better to use oregano oil in diluted form and while applying topically it should be mixed with some carrier oil like coconut oil or olive oil before application. Oregano oil provides best result when it is used with olive oil
- It can be used in aromatherapy as well
- If you want to consume oregano oil then you have to add some amount of water to it before consumption
- It should be kept properly for preventing its spoilage and should be kept away from heat
- It is widely available in the form of supplements and before consuming those supplements, it is better to consult with health experts regarding the dose
- Pregnant women, lactating women and children should avoid its consumption
Asensio, C.M., Nepote, V. and Grosso, N.R., 2012. Sensory attribute preservation in extra virgin olive oil with addition of oregano essential oil as natural antioxidant. Journal of food science, 77(9), pp.S294-S301.
Gutiérrez-Grijalva, E.P., Picos-Salas, M.A., Leyva-López, N., Criollo-Mendoza, M.S., Vazquez-Olivo, G. and Heredia, J.B., 2018. Flavonoids and phenolic acids from oregano: Occurrence, biological activity and health benefits. Plants, 7(1), p.2.
Rodriguez-Garcia, I., Silva-Espinoza, B.A., Ortega-Ramirez, L.A., Leyva, J.M., Siddiqui, M.W., Cruz-Valenzuela, M.R., Gonzalez-Aguilar, G.A. and Ayala-Zavala, J.F., 2016. Oregano essential oil as an antimicrobial and antioxidant additive in food products. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 56(10), pp.1717-1727.
Singletary, K., 2010. Oregano: Overview of the literature on health benefits. Nutrition Today, 45(3), pp.129-138.
Veenstra, J.P. and Johnson, J.J., 2019. Oregano (Origanum vulgare) extract for food preservation and improvement in gastrointestinal health. International journal of nutrition, 3(4), p.43.
Vivas, F.E.V., Cuello, R.L.C., Macías, D.M. and Rosado, G.P., 2017. Elaboration of essential oil from the oregano for medicinal use sheet. International journal of physical sciences and engineering, 1(1), pp.81-87.