ARTICLE WRITTEN BY C. MITRA   Msc Food and Nutrition , B, Sc Food and Nutrition

Pink salt

Pink salt is a pink coloured, mineral rich salt that has been extensively used for various medicinal purposes.

Nutrient content

  • Normal salt is composed of sodium chloride whereas pink salt contains other minerals along with sodium chloride
  • It contains adequate amount of potassium, magnesium, iron and iodine
  • Though it contains lesser amount of sodium than regular salt

Health benefits

Role on detoxification

  • It acts as an important detoxifier and helps to promote toxin elimination as a result helps to clean the body
  • To maximize the benefit of pink salt you have to make sole water. Sole water is prepared by adding pink salt in water. The preparation of sole water is very easy, below steps will give an overview of preparing sole water –
  • At first a clear jug should be taken
  • Then one fourth of the jug should be filled with pink salt
  • After that water should be added to top it up completely
  • Then the jug should be sealed with a lid and it should be kept overnight
  • The salt will dissolve in the water completely by morning and if there any trace of salt has found left at the bottom of the jar then it will indicate that all salt particles have absorbed by the water that means the solution is fully saturated. This solution is known as sole water
  • It is better to mix one teaspoon of this sole water with one glass of regular water and consumption of such water in every morning significantly helps to detoxify the body
  • It not only helps to eliminate toxins from body but also helps to keep an individual hydrated at all the times

Hypoglycemic activity

  • It is also associated with exerting hypoglycemic activity thus individual who are hyperglycemic or who are at risk condition should consume pink salt in the place of regular salt in order to maintain a healthy blood sugar level
  • It has seen that consumption of pink salt is closely related with promoting proper flow of fluid in the body, which ultimately helps to maintain a good level of hormones and minerals in body as a result helps to improve insulin sensitivity and thus helps in stabilizing blood sugar

Pink salt

Hypotensive activity

  • Consumption of pink salt is incredibly useful for preventing hypertension
  • We all know that hypertension is a silent killer and it subsequently damages all the organs of the body especially the heart thus it is always better to keep a healthy blood pressure
  • Too much consumption of salt or sodium rich diet is considered as one of the most vital causes of hypertension thus it is better to restrict the intake of sodium or reduce the consumption of salt  for preventing it
  • Whereas replacing the regular salt by pink salt is considered as another effective way of preventing hypertension as pink salt contains relatively lesser amount of sodium than regular salt

Role on digestive health

  • Consumption of pink salt is closely associated with promoting overall digestive health
  • Pink salt is extremely rich in minerals thus plays vital role in balancing the pH level of the body and when the pH level of our body is maintained properly then our body becomes more able to process and digest food
  • It is also related with activating the salivary gland and promotes the production of saliva, which contains salivary amylase (an enzyme) that helps in carbohydrate digestion especially the digestion of boiled starch
  • It helps to stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid and various digestive enzymes in stomach, which also promote digestion

Role on respiratory health

  • Salt therapy has been extensively used as an impetrative remedial action for various respiratory disorders and pink salt is not an exception
  • Pink salt inhaler is widely used for treating respiratory diseases
  • Whereas keeping an individual within a room of pink salt rich air is also considered as an important preventive measure for respiratory illness because when this salty air is inhaled then the particles travel through the entire respiratory tract which ultimately clean the tract as well as the lung by antimicrobial activity of salt
  • Its consumption is also associated with improving the symptoms of sinus
  • It helps to treat seasonal allergies as well
  • It helps to prevent chest congestion too
  • Inhalation of pink salt water also helps to clear the nasal cavities

Pink salt

Role on mental health

  • Consumption of pink salt is very effective for improving overall mental health status
  • It has seen that its consumption is linked with liberating negative ions within body that ultimately enhances serotonin level and thus helps to improve the symptoms of depression
  • It is also associated with improving mood

Role on healthy sleeping

  • Consumption of pink salt is extremely useful for preventing insomnia
  • It has seen that excessive stress is responsible for sleeping impairment. Actually the reactions that have occurred in body due to the high level of stress hormones are the main factor accountable for disrupting sleep and it also disrupt the ability to stay asleep
  • Consumption of low sodium diet is related with decreasing the blood volume in the sympathetic nervous system, which subsequently activates adrenaline as well as the “fight or flight” response 
  • It is better to consume pink salt by mixing it with honey or put it in a cup of tea, it works like magic

Antimicrobial activity

  • It exhibits potent antimicrobial activity and helps to suppress the growth and replication of microbes within host
  • It is very effective for reducing the susceptibility of developing infectious diseases by hindering microbial growth

Therapeutic uses

  • It has been extensively used for various therapeutic purposes, which include –
  • It helps to prevent arrhythmias and all the credit goes to its magnesium content
  • It is also associated with boosting up the overall immunological responses of the body
  • It plays vital role in hydration
  • It is also very effective for promoting overall skin health. It plays vital role in preventing premature aging
  • It contains iodine too thus consumption of pink salt is thought to be very effective for promoting the functioning of thyroid gland and also helps to improve the health activity of central nervous system
  • It also contains iron thus consumption of pink salt in the place of regular salt is thought to be a healthy option for decreasing the prevalence of anemia especially iron deficiency anemia
  • Its consumption helps to increase libido as well

Culinary uses

  • It can be normally used in cooking in the place of regular salt
  • It can be used for preparing sauces
  • It can be added to marinades as well
  • It can be added to meat before grilling

Other uses

  • It can be utilized as an important air purifier. Utilization of pink salt lamp helps to purify the indoor air thus reduces the concentration of air pollutants, which ultimately decreases the susceptibility of allergies and thus improves overall wellbeing
  • Taking pink salt bath helps in soothing sore muscle and also improves skin condition

General consideration of using pink salt

  • In the case of measuring any salt by volume it is always better to consider how finely it is ground
  • It is always better to check the nutrition label before purchasing pink salt

Pink salt


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Fayet-Moore, F., Wibisono, C., Carr, P., Duve, E., Petocz, P., Lancaster, G., McMillan, J., Marshall, S. and Blumfield, M., 2020. An analysis of the mineral composition of pink salt available in Australia. Foods, 9(10), p.1490.

Lucier, B.E., Johnston, K.E., Xu, W., Hanson, J.C., Senanayake, S.D., Yao, S., Bourassa, M.W., Srebro, M., Autschbach, J. and Schurko, R.W., 2014. Unravelling the structure of Magnus’ pink salt. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 136(4), pp.1333-1351.

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